Episode 40: Online Course Quality

Episode 40: Online Course Quality

Across higher education, there has been a lot of talk about how the pandemic has changed things, especially in regard to technology and course design. It is certainly true that the conversation around online courses has taken on a whole new flavor. Having been...
Episode 38: Self Motivation: Where Does It Come From?

Episode 38: Self Motivation: Where Does It Come From?

Since it is still January, I feel it is okay to do a post that reflects on New Year’s resolutions. New Year’s resolutions make me think about the question of internal versus external motivation because they are an interesting combination of both. It is external in the...
Episode 37: Tools and Creativity—The Role of AI

Episode 37: Tools and Creativity—The Role of AI

Tools and creativity. These seem to be two consistent definitions of what it means to be “human.” Considering pre-historic records, we have the amazing creative work of cave paintings that exist alongside the incredible stone, wood, and bone tools made to create works...